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reality called, so I hung up...

Being in California the last week and a 1/2 and the Carolina's before that was some type of dream. From back to back weddings, lounging by the pool, to jamin out in the car on the way to Universal Studios. It was a beautiful, magical dream. I learned something, something I've always known but never quite understood. Now I think I'm beginning to get it. Life is meant to be lived. Every single moment, good or bad. It's meant to be lived with the ones you care the most about. Your friends and your family. It's about spontaneous adventures, sleeping until noon, running 22 hours straight, fighting with your mom over where you want to go to dinner or how to fold that darn shirt of yours. It's getting lost in studio city because Waze got you all turned around and you can't make a U-turn at a 6 way stop (yes LA has those... please help us all).

Life is short, it's not worth the worries we face everyday or the drama about who said what about so-and-so. It's about appreciating the world around us and the people God put next to us because I really don't know how I got so lucky. Just to have these amazing people in my corner is something to smile about.

That being said, I have really learned a lot through my last few weeks of traveling. So here are some things I thought were the most important that I took away...

Be as honest as a 12 year old ~ She tells it like it is. If she doesn't like something she spits it out. If she doesn't like your tone, she'll let you know. If someone is in her way, she makes them move. And the middle school drama is her biggest issue in life. Even that doesn't bother her because "they are all just a bunch of hobos" in her mind.

Be Positive ~ When you're surrounded by negative people, find that one positive person and stick with them. Usually it's your mother, unless their the negative one, then find someone else's mother. It's dumb to fret on what went wrong or what should have happened. Guess what? It's over and no one wants to hear you complain anyway.

Jamming to old Hannah Montana songs is always a good idea ~ No matter where you are, put those windows down and scream at the top of your lungs. No one knows you anyway so who cares?

Teach your 87 year old grandma the proper way to eat an In-N-Out burger ~ Bite of the burger, sip of that vanilla milkshake. Perfection. And her smile at the end is just a bonus (:

Bring an extra blanket / sweater ~ It's cold at night on the West Coast. There's no humidity, which is great but it's pretty chilly at night. And grandma probably doesn't have one and if she does... She'll be cold regardless.

Be Present ~ There is a whole world out there to explore once you get your face out from behind your little phone screen. Be there to see it. SnapChatting is great, and posting on Insta to make all your friends jealous because you're here and their not is great too but do it later. You are only with your family so long, be there for it. Because if you're anything like me, you don't know when you will see them again.

And my last final thought, Be Spontaneous. Drive the extra few miles on Mulholland drive just to catch a few breathless views day and night. Take the convertible to Ralph's with the top down just for kicks and giggles. Go to an expensive restaurant and pretend you actually belong. Take the long way because it's prettier and you don't have to sit in the hours of traffic like everyone else. Night swim, have a bonfire, watch a movie, just go and do and be.

Weddings are stressful times in an individual's life but they are also so much fun. They are excuses to get the whole gang together that you never see. To take that family picture you wouldn't get at any other time, even at Thanksgiving or Christmas because there is always that one cousin who can't make it. To travel with the people that mean the most to you and catch up with all the elder people that tell you they haven't seen you since you were THISSS big and wow, you've grown up since the last time I saw you or wow, you're so big now! Yes, that was 10 years ago so I would hope I've grown! Wedding's are a joy and a the time you spend together with the ones you love are a gift you must not take for granted for even a split second. We all do it, but I'm trying not too. I'm just trying to live.

Now it's back to reality for a few weeks before I head off to D.C. at the end of the month. So here's to summer's in the Berry Bubble, here's to living, and here's to doing.

-- Lex --

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